
CLSC Board Election

We are excited to announce the Nomination Meeting and Election Day for the Board of Directors of the CLSC Naskapi.

If you or someone you know embodies the key characteristics needed for this vital role, we encourage you to participate!

Let's come together to ensure the best leadership for the continuous improvement and service excellence at CLSC Naskapi.

The CLSC board will go on election on November 7th.

But prior to this, the nomination date is on November 1st.

The board composition:

  • three people elected by and among the members of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, having the quality of voter of the Nation, of which at least one of female gender and one of male gender. At least one of these members must be 50 years old or older; 
  • a member of the council of the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach appointed by it; 
  • a member of the Naskapi committee on Education provided for in section 11.5 of the Northeastern Quebec Agreement, appointed by this committee.
  • For the CLSC employee who will sit on the Board, the minister will have to appoint this person, according to the recommendation of the Naskapi Nation council.

Therefore the board need to have an 1 employee representative. 
You need to have two nominators among the employees. The nominators can only nominate one employee.
All document should be received by October 27th.

For any information,
do not hesitate to contact us.

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